After listening to the concerns of many organizations around the world, and noticing a pattern of a specific set of questions, we thought an informational blogpost might help ease the minds of potential clients. Here are the questions/concerns that I get most often:
What is your on-boarding process?
We will provide you with on-boarding materials in the form of: online demos, on-demand videos, instructional articles, and live Microsoft Teams meetings to get your organization ready for receiving & operating your new ROV. You will be comfortable with the process prior to taking delivery of your ROV. Check out our Blueye Help Center for more information.

How much training is needed to operate your ROV & who will do this training?
This is one of the most common questions/concerns expressed by my clients. We have dedicated staff to help train you in ROV best practices & techniques that will help you perform your job functions at a higher level. We often say that our ROVs are “easy to operate”, or “very intuitive”. The ease of use is a starting platform for gaining experience. Our ROVs take no specialized training, but if you need operational assistance, we will provide the man-power & time to get you up to speed.
Does CLASS (DNV, ABS, BV, etc.) certify Blueye ROVs for inspections?
Class societies have not (yet) gotten into the business of certifying specific ROVs for inspections. Rather, the individual surveyor/service provider is responsible for maintaining certification and is free to use the tools deemed necessary for gathering proper images & measurements. Our ROVs have been part of several real world studies centered on the use-case of in-water inspection. We have been able to livestream footage to stakeholders, produce acceptable after-dive reports, and comply with all the necessary requirements. Blueye is at the forefront of unmanned class inspection technology.
Do we get software updates & support as new features become available?
Absolutely! We update our software & apps when new features become available. As we integrate more peripheral devices (grippers, sonars, etc.) into our X3 platform, we will update accordingly. As new & more user-friendly technology comes onboard, we will pass that functionality on to all of our existing customers. Your Blueye will never become obsolete. As the AppStore & GooglePlay update, we adjust our platforms accordingly so that you can integrate the latest technology into your operations.
When I started selling ROVs, I assumed (incorrectly) that my clients would bombard me with technical questions about camera specs, battery composition, or processing capacity of the on-board CPU – instead, the vast majority of my day is spent consulting clients on how Blueye provides a wholistic approach to solving the problem of underwater inspections.
There are costs associated with inaction. If you miss the boat on technology, your company will be in a poorer position to compete. If your organization fails to think about the bigger picture of the steps necessary for effectively implementing technology, you’ll have invested in tools you’re not prepared for & don’t know how to properly utilize.
Blueye is here to help you solve the big problems & the small ones… We are committed to walking you all the way through the process. From pre-sale consultations, to after the sale support, doing business with us comes with a higher level of personalized service.
If you want to learn more about who we are & what we can do for your organization, I encourage you to get in touch!